Luise Christensen-Howell of Glasshaus Studio in Hershey has achieved seasonal symmetry. Much of the year she’s outdoors cultivating her latest love, garden and landscape design, but when autumn blows in, she takes refuge in her home studio, nurturing her 30-year love affair with stained glass.
When asked about working with glass, Luise explained:
I like the part where you sit down with somebody, and they have an idea, and you put it together, and then you have the finished product. And glass is gorgeous. So it’s the very material and the way it captures light. Then when the client comes and I see their reaction--I love that part.
When asked about her challenges working stained glass:
The only challenge that I’ve ever had is when (my focus) was cut in half between the store keeping and the creative part.
Every home should have even the smallest special cut glass piece to add romance of a moment or setting. Stained glass is like adding a piece of art in a window to catch the sun rays glistening from it adds a mystic touch on walls and ceilings.