Monday, April 11, 2011

Wood Flooring

Wine Barrel Floor

The economy may be keeping a lid on spending, but when it comes to flooring, it’s driving trends. That’s because today’s cost-conscious consumer is more demanding of value than ever.

“There’s definitely been a shift from spending to savings, “ says Chris Davis, the president and CEO of the World Floor Covering Association. “But that doesn’t mean consumers aren’t buying flooring: it means they’re looking for value and comfort. They might not be moving up right now, but they’re still into feathering the nest.”

Flooring manufacturers are getting the message. As a result, they’re keen on providing more bang for the buck — reining in high-end marketing and concentrating on products that are sensible, low-maintenance and easy on the budget.


Tools and Materials:
measuring tape
paint roller
paint tray
steel wool
paint extender
1. Prepare the area. Select paints, keeping your color scheme and the surfaces in mind. The surface you will paint on will determine the paint sheen for your project.
Clean your surface, then measure off the area for your rug and place painter's tape to keep paints from mixing.
To keep paint lines crisp, we used a utility knife and a level to cut straight lines through the painter's tape.
2. Paint the base coat. With your borders laid out, pour your base paint into a paint tray.
Load the roller with your base paint. Remove any excess paint from the roller onto the ribbed tray.
Begin rolling base paint in your designated area, continuing until the area is completely painted. Touch up any necessary areas, and let the base coat dry.
3. Add the second layer. For the next layer of our rug, measure for placement.
Put down painter's tape to mark the boundaries and paint within the original borders.
After the second layer is dry, take up the painter's tape and lay more down to protect the layers and prepare for the faux fabric finish.
4. Add the faux fabric technique. Mix one part paint extender with four parts paint, and mix well. Pour the extended paint into a tray, remove excess and begin rolling onto the area in small sections.
Before the paint dries, have a partner follow behind with a steel wool pad, dragging it lightly over the paint, creating the faux fabric finishing touch. Continue painting and dragging the steel wool pads until you feel the faux finish looks complete.
5. Finish the rug. Once you've covered the entire rug area, remove the painter's tape.
Consider using a design stencil to add a final decorative finish, and a border design intended to mimic a rug fringe. Allow the paint to dry fully.

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