Friday, April 15, 2011


Easter Eggs for Your Table

Easter Eggs for Your Table

Colorful natural containers pair prettily with classic silver pieces to create an elegant spring tablescape. Find out how to create your own table decorations.

Gather Your Supplies

Gather Your Supplies

1 dozen eggs
Wooden skewers
Craft foam
Brush & craft paint
Assorted pieces of silver (or pewter)

Crack the Shells

Crack the Shells

Gently tap a pushpin into the top of an egg with the bottom of a spoon. Work in a circle to create an opening the size of a quarter or bigger. To make this job easier, leave the egg in the carton.

Clean the Shells

Clean the Shells

Empty the contents of each egg into a bowl and discard. Mix 1 tablespoon bleach with a gallon of water, and use to rinse out the inside of eggs.  Return eggs to carton and allow to air-dry (about 15 minutes).

Paint the Shells

Paint the Shells

Stick wooden skewers into craft foam and set eggs atop to paint. When dry, fill with candy or flowers, like ranunculus, daffodils, hydrangeas, or viburnum. Display with silver down the center of your table.

My daughter-in-law subscribed me to Southern Living as a gift, I loved this article and idea.

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